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"Dave Rave on Jukebox Diner 06-25-23
Relics and Rarities
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Sunday 9pm-12amTop Shelf Oldies

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Dave the Rave There are plenty of "oldies but goodies" shows on the radio that like to countdown the hits. Dave the Rave's Relics and Rarities Show doesn't count down anything. Most of the tunes played on Dave's show are not focused on the same repetitive oldies that placed in the Top 20. Dave combines the cool hits with many songs that never, although could have and probably should have hit the Top 40. Dave is giving these great tunes the second chance they never received.

Dave is not simply trying to play obscure music simply for the sake of being obscure. Quite the opposite! Dave the Rave is giving credit to music that deserves a chance to be heard. The 45's that simply fell through the cracks and will leave you scratching your heads in disbelief that what you just heard never became a Top 40 hit.

Dave the Rave has spent countless hours searching for these hit sounding 45's that never entered into the Top 40 but had the sound potential to have done so. The show is very diverse in the music that it features. You will hear soul, surf, garage, British Invasion, girl groups, doowop, rockabilly, teeners, and instrumentals.

Relics and Rarities loves to feature local hits, record store rarities, lost B-sides and original versions of Top 40 hits. Many of the 45's in his collection is the kind of music that you would be paying thousand's of dollars for in an old record store if you could even find the record.

Tommy James, Dave,  Gene Cornish

Dave the Rave has one of the largest music collections of anybody we know. He has approximately 125,000+ 45 RPM records, 25,000 albums, and 35,000 CDs that he accesses to bring you an exciting Relics and Rarities show. You may occasionally hear a pop, or some vinyl crackle on Dave the Rave's show as he digs deep into his record library to bring you oldies many of which will be new even to the listener that thinks he has heard em all and knows everything!

The show had been on XM Radio 60's on 6 where it had a large coast to coast fan base. It currently airs in several markets through syndication and is always seeking new stations that seek a unique show featuring the familiar safe songs along with those lost buried rarities that previously were just collecting dust in old record stores across America. Dave the Rave currently does a rare record feature on the SiriusXM 60's Gold Gettin Together Show with Tommy James Sunday's 5-8pm eastern. Dave the Rave always suggests having pen and paper at your disposal so that you can start writing down songs that you will love and perhaps never hear again!

Listener feedback is welcome as well as any programmer that wishes to carry Relics and Rarities on their radio station. Email Dave the Rave at dave@davetherave.com

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